(s) (noun) (no pl)
The branch of meteorology that deals with atmospheric conditions: Aerographics is concerned with aerial mapping and for imaging technologies to meet demanding schedules and budgets of aircraft.
(s) (noun), aerographies
In physical geography, the depiction or written report of the character of the atmosphere in the upper levels: Aerogrophy is a part of meteorology that describes the conditions of the atmosphere which can be very useful for aircraft.
(s) (noun), aeroplethysmographs
A recording of changes in a body volume which includes the measurements of respiratory capacities: Dr. Smith looked at the results shown in the aeroplethysmograph after the volume in Janet's lungs was tested with the spirometer.
(s) (noun), agitographias
A writing with excessive speed and with unconscious omissions of words and syllables or other elements: Jack suffered from agitographia in that he could only scribble down incomplete sentences the teacher dictated, often leaving out important terms and linguistic units, and wondered later why he couldn't understand what he wrote down!
(s) (noun), agitographies
Hasty writing with an unconscious deletion of words, syllables, or letters: Mary's teacher, Mrs. Smart, told Susan that she would have to improve her agitography so that none of the terms, linguistic, units and letters would be left out in her texts.
(s) (noun), agraphas
Sayings attributed to Jesus Christ but which are not recorded in the Bible but found in other early Christian writings; literally, "no writing": The Biblical scholar studied not only the texts of the Bible but the agraphas which were located in other sources.
(s) (noun), agraphesthesias
The inability to recognize letters or numbers drawn by examiners on the skin of the subjects who are being tested: In
agraphesthesias, the patients' eyes are often closed when these procedures are performed on the skin areas that are normally visible to them so they can't see what the examiners are doing.
When a person with agraphesthesia can't feel "writing" on the skin, it is believed that it is usually caused by a central nervous system lesion. This problem is typically tested by an examiner who uses an instrument (neither an ink pen nor a pencil) that forms a number in the palm of one of the hands, which the patient cannot see, and then asking that person to say what the number is.
When blindfolded, Robin experienced total agraphesthesia, and could not recognize any of the simple designs the doctor drew on the palm of his hand.
(s) (noun), agraphias
1. Loss of the ability to write, resulting from neurological damage such as a brain lesion: After Mable's severe head injury, she experienced agraphia and so she was incapable of communicating with a pen or a pencil.
2. Being incapable of writing properly which can be a result of aphasia and alexia that is caused by lesions in various portions of the cerebrum; especially, those in or near the angular gyrus of the brain or that part of the brain that is involved in the processing of auditory and visual input and in the comprehension of language: After many medical examinations, the doctors determined that the agraphia experienced by Bryant was neurologically different from that which might have resulted from an injured arm.
(adjective), more agraphic, most agraphic
Characteristic of a loss of the power, or the inability, to communicate ideas in writing: Ann's agraphic disorder involved her inability to use or to understand her written language because of a brain lesion.
(s) (noun), agraphognosias
The inability to identify numbers or letters traced on the palm (or other parts of the body surface): Helen Keller did not experience
agraphognosia so she was able to learn to write when her teacher traced numbers and letters on her palm.
Helen Keller (1880-1968) was a United States lecturer and writer who was blind and deaf from the age of 19 months as a result of a severe fever. Anne Sullivan taught her to read, to write, and to speak and since she was not hampered by agraphognosia, Helen even graduated from college with honors and went on to become an activist and lecturer in support of blind and deaf people.
(noun), agrostographers
Someone who writes about grasses. Mrs. Plant was an agrostographer who described different kinds of grasses in her books, but also was a fabulous illustrator of the various kinds of grasses.
agrostographic, agrostographical
(adjective); more agrostographic, most agrostographic; more agrostographical, most agrostographical
A reference to or a description of grasses: Since Joan was planning her garden, she decided to find an agrostographic article giving detailed information about and photos of different kinds of lawns.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A scientific description about various kinds of grasses: In the book about agrostography, Mr. Small found out that there were at least a dozen different grass species that were normally used in North American lawns.
(s) (noun), algraphies
The art or process of printing from aluminium plates.
(s) (noun), allographs
1. Writing, especially a signature, written by one person on another’s behalf: Because Mr. The allograph at the bottom of the document was made by Mr. Smith's best friend.
2. A letter or combination of letters that is one of a set that can be used to represent the same speech sound; a "phoneme": Examples of an allograph are “s”, “ss”, and “c” in English.
Related "writing" word units:
scrib-, script-.